Sunday, 25 January 2015

Sunday Catch-Up

Well, I'm delighted to say I'm sitting at 15st 13lbs. I have FINALLY broken through that 16st barrier! I am delighted and its proof that whatever I'm doing is paying off. 

My menu is prepared for the next week, and each week to follow will be based on the same menu to save me the hassle of thinking what to cook every night. I also have fruit and lean meat to snack on - tomorrow's pork loin is already cooked and I just need to take out my meat for cooking for Tuesday. It's all frozen which means less waste. Boost. 

My full workout starts tomorrow and I'm not letting up for the entire week. I get such a release from it and I could certainly do with releasing some stress right now. 

Anyways, just thought I'd post a quick update. My quads are also developing nicely by the way. Yay ;)

Friday, 23 January 2015

Quick Update

Well, this week has been a tough one in many ways. However, I managed to work out on Monday and have been fairly active since and then worked out again last night. I did a little weight check tonight and am thrilled to say I'm 3lbs down so am 16st exactly. I'll do my proper weigh in on Sunday and see where I'm at but I'm feeling awesome and looking forward to working hard for the body I want so much. 

I have so much support from everyone and need to say a special thank you to one or two of you, as you have given me so much help, support on my bad days and have also given me tips, info and one of you are a huge inspiration to me. I have set my mind to this and am determined to reach my goals. 

I have noticed that my joints are improving massively already to the point where my knees are no longer such a big worry to me. I can almost squat fully down and feel no pain (apart from my muscles after leg day!) and my general movement has improved significantly. My confidence is building and I can see a difference in myself already. My jeans are huge and my arse is shrinking, as are the dreaded batwings!

That's all for now, but I'll be back over the weekend with the official weigh in and and update on how my workouts are going. 

Ciao for now!

Monday, 19 January 2015

The Plan - Starting Out

So instead of boring the whole of facebook with my updates, it makes more sense to just post a link to my blog now and then. After all, that's where everyone can find all the info on what I'm doing and my goals.

The previous post has a list of accurate goals I have, but there are a few updates required as well as the time frames I'm hoping to use for them. More about that later. First, some stats about me.

For those of you who know me well, you will know how scary the next paragraph is going to be for me (hence stalling as much as I can!). I know it's entirely up to me what I post up here, but there is very little point in trying to write a weight loss/exercise blog without putting up the actual data. Otherwise, I'd just be lying and I'm not going to do that. I'm a big girl (hoping to shrink) and I can deal with any negative comments about it, so 'mon then. Throw them at me. Here goes nothing!

Current Weight: 16st 3lbs.

Yeah, that's right. This time last year I was significantly more than that, and it's very strange to have done NOTHING to decrease this number and find I'm back at my weight that I was when I was 19 years old. This is what has really spurred me on today.

Current Dress Size - Top: 18-20, depending on shape and how much room the twins need to enable me to breath.

Current Dress Size - Bottom: 18. Some things I require a 20 in, like my work trousers because they're just crappy, but otherwise I'm down to an 18. Big positive for me!

I'd be tempted to put my bra size up, but I don't think the world and his mistress need to know that. Do you? No, I didn't think so.

Target Weight (first): 14st 3lbs.

Target Time: 14 weeks (27th April)

Now, for my diet, I'm increasing the protein and complex carbs as mentioned yesterday, so every meal so far has consisted of lean meats (ham, chicken and beef at lunch, pork loin for a post-workout snack) and rice, noodles and other bits and pieces. I also added plenty fresh veg and pumpkin seeds to my lunch, and griddled veg to my snack. I have also increased the volume of water I'm consuming, It's very handy to have a water cooler at one of my sites. In fact, most of them have so I can keep hydrated from now on. I must have had at least 2 litres so far today, as I did at least 20 trips with one of those little cups to the cooler.

My workout: that's a big section to cover! I found a fantastic (in my opinion) workout online which uses all the equipment I have in my home gym and also shows you how to carry out the moves safely and correctly. It covers all the main muscle groups and seems very thorough. It will certainly do until I work my way to a better fitness level and learn more about what other moves can be done to work specific areas of my body. But, for now, here's what I'm doing on a Monday:

Cardio warm up (the first part of my SB workout!)
Bench Dips (3 sets of as many as I can manage. 9 is my average!)
Push Ups (3 sets of 10 - I have to do half ones for now until I'm a little slimmer!)
Dumbell Flys (3 sets of 10)
Bent Over Row (3 sets of 10, increasing in weight)
One Arm Row (3 sets of 10)
Upright Row (3 sets of 10, increasing in weight with the Bent Over Row)
Cooldown and stretching

Is there anything else I can add for a Monday? Or anything that would improve this workout? I have to admit I didn't feel anything for a start, but as time goes on, I know which muscles I've been working!

I'm really enjoying working out and want to continue this momentum. Any support is very welcome, as are walking/jogging buddies!

Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Sunday Thoughts

I'm feeling very empowered today. I managed to clear the spare room last night, set up the (previously unused) weights bench and make a gym/spare room fit for purpose. I also did a short workout which worked a few key muscle groups.*

Today, after being out all night, I'm still rather energised so decided to hit my home gym and do some working out. Did I mention I bought a new contraption to help me achieve my goals through boxing? No? It's called the Shadow Boxer. It's a belt with two hand grips which attach to the front of the belt near the sides. The idea is to add resistance to a boxing workout and thus increase your calorie consumption and help build long, lean muscles. Nifty, huh? The workout lasts around 18 minutes but I highly suggest having your own music playing while following the disc as it certainly makes the workout pass a lot quicker and makes it even more enjoyable.

So, along with the Shadow Boxer (SB for short), I have added in some other moves, such as leg extensions, bicep curls and tricep dips, and also using the weight bar to build my back and all round strength. There are a lot of squats involved to really get my legs working and I'm pleased to say that my knees seem to be holding better shape since I started squatting a couple of weeks ago. This is a bonus in itself!

I find that lifting weights and boxing are a great reliever for any stress or worries I have and can just let out my frustrations. What I would like to work up to doing is going for a run daily by going walking with the dog and adding short bursts of jogging and developing this until we are both running. I don't think Chubster will complain! This would add to my cardio, and I may also take up cycling again. Well, I say again. I mean for the first time since one outing really doesn't count. It would also mean I'd actually get to use the beautiful bike I bought myself last year, or maybe the year before...

My goals for 2015:

- Lose 3-4 stone (depending how much muscle I build up in the process)
- Improve the overall health of my joints
- Get rid of the bat wings
- Start to see muscle definition on my legs, back and arms
- Increase my strength and stamina
- Learn to run!

Looking at my little list, it doesn't actually seem like it's that hard to achieve, but it will take hard work to get the results I want. Social media is a great motivator but I feel it in me this time, too. My depression has reared it's ugly head lately, and exercising in a way I enjoy has certainly helped kick my demons away, even for a short time while I'm working up a sweat.

I have some eating goals too, to ensure I build and repair my muscles and also shed the unwanted pounds clinging to my waist right now:
- Create a realistic eating plan
- Stick to the above eating plan
- Increase protein and fibre intake
- Decrease (slightly) my carb intake
- Drink at least 2 litres of water per day
- Cut out junk food at home (only having crap food once in a blue moon as a treat if I'm out!)

Basically, I want to be eating as clean as possible which means I need to start cooking regularly.

My reward for hitting targets and being good? Why, a new tattoo of course. And by the end of it all, a new wardrobe. I need to look and see what kind of workout clothing I want to be wearing in the next few months, and aim to be in it. I wanna be one of those girls who you see and you just know she squats and lifts. That is my dream.

*Please note: I'm a complete beginner at all of this. If you have any advice for me, it would be greatly appreciated! I really want to learn more and I can only do that with the support of those who know :) Any good techniques, habits, food combos, protein shakes, or any particular lifts etc. that I should know about, please let me know!

Saturday, 17 January 2015

This Is The Year

I have a goal. For the first time ever, I have something I want to work towards and I have the determination to do it. My most recent purchase was a gadget called the Shadow Boxer, which promises a total body workout while teaching you the basics of boxing, which has been something I've been interested in for a long time. It uses resistance bands while carrying out boxing moves to build long, lean muscles and gives you the body you long for. I'm hoping for one where my arms are properly toned, I have developed quads and calves, my muscles are all sculpted and I can eventually start lifting.

My diet is taking a dramatic turn for the better. My balance between protein, carbohydrates and vegetables is going to be a lot more equal. I need to increase the protein and vegetables I eat and reduce the carbs a little to help build my muscles up and help get my body into the shape I want. More than anything, I want my joints and mobility to improve drastically, so that means making big changes in myself. So, from tomorrow on, everything will be different. My work out is going to start properly and I will notice improvements within weeks. My diet is already starting to get under control. I just need to keep it going. Once I get into a routine, it will be so much easier to do this and my routine will be controlled from Monday. I need to use this weekend to get the house in order and prepare for the changes that are going to be made, starting with throwing out all the rubbish food we have in the house.

I will be using my phone and this blog to track my progress, how many workouts I do, how often and how much resistance I'm using. I also plan to buy a diary to track my reps once I start to increase my work out and add in the weight lifting element to truly sculpt myself.

If anyone has any suggestions on the best workout moves for dumbells, a weight bar, or a weight bench, please let me know. I could use information on the correct way to do things, and how to do it without causing damage rather than doing good. Also, any advice for the best nutrition and a good protein shake would be very much appreciated.

Thanks folks :) Wish me luck!