It's been weird this week. Been off for most of it because of these damned gallstones or whatever is going on beside my stomach, but I made it for a swim tonight - 50 lengths!! And I made a new friend :) I'm getting quite good at that and it certainly makes the time go quicker if you have someone to swim with. Hope I meet in with her again!
And I've been looking at some other career options, like opening up a coffee shop or youth cafe or something similar. Or a wee restaurant with homely food. It would be ace. It's my dream job and I could do it no problem as I have my hygiene certificate so that's a huge plus! Woop!
More to come on that at some other time. I'm now watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Shame I'm sore again but I'm hoping that after the man from Scotia has been, I can have a nice relaxing weekend and anniversary :) it's 3 years tomorrow, by the way!
Cheerio for now. I currently have a cat licking my hair. Pleb.
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