Friday, 24 January 2014

Benefits of sleeping...

Last night, I was tired. This is a milestone! I also slept right through til 10.45am without waking. I was just stirring when the meter mannie (I think?!) came to the door for a reading. I've been racking my brains to make sure that was today and it wasn't the postie that turned up, but I'm hoping I'm right. Otherwise, I let the postie in to look in my cupboard...

At group last night, I discovered I lost 1/2lb. This may not seem like much to many but I am very surprised I even lost that given the week I have had. However, onwards and up! I've got my cup of tea beside me, and have just finished off the pasta, chicken and veg that Donald left. I made quite a lot but he didn't want to take it all with him! I don't think he'd have had room in his bag for it!

So, my plan for this week goes as follows: STICK TO THE PLAN! I need to get myself into a routine with cooking, housework and getting up, but today is at least a step in the right direction. I got up and did some work, have eaten and am alert!

I've also got to get myself into the habit of preparing things for snacks. This afternoon, I bit the bullet and tried smoked mackerel. YUM! So, I've made a wee smoked mackarel pate type thing for snacking on with maybe a bit of ryvita or mixed through some cold pasta. Although the taste is delicious, I think I now know that dill is another food that irritates my IBS. Great.

I'll pop a recipe up in a bit and maybe a wee photo too!

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